Make sure you read everything

[In the interest of gameplay]

You work as a fisherman at a local farmers' fair.  You provide three types of fish: haddock; light blue, cod; orange, and salmon; red. Luckily, you can satisfy customers' needs further, as you've bought a very effective tool used for scaling fish scales. Can you give the customer a perfectly scaled and decapitated fish (of their choice) in the span of their patience?


While watching customers:

Space - Attract customers

While serving customer:

WASD - move

Shift - Collect and put back fish from barrel

Shift - Serve customer

Shift - Prepare fish at preparation table

While preparing fish:

Left Mouse - Hold tool

Right Mouse - Aim Tool

Space - Use Cleaver

Right Mouse - Use Scaler

Q - More information in-game


- You can only "Fresh Fish!" once every customer served

- Watch out for Rush Hours (4:00 & 6:00), people become more impatient! 

- Make sure you're cleaver aims perfectly in order for successful decapitation

- Make sure you go nice and steady when scaling, as you might miss some if you go to fast!

- Even if the fish isn't fully prepared, you must serve before the time runs out!


(Around 94% recommended)


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Nice work for a turbowarp project :^ ! I used to do scratch, and might do turbowarp in the future.

nice if u like to check my game out its called Annabells silly quest u dont have to but i like the game