- This game was made for the ScoreSpace Jam #30 -

Stay DOWN is a relatively fast-paced game. The goal of the game is to make sure you don't float to the top! Gain as many points as you can, and last as long as possible!

You can gain points by evaporating bubbles, and lasting a long time.

 - DON'T let the bubbles float, and most importantly, don't let yourself float! -


- AD to move

- Mouse Down to shoot/throw flame

YouTube (Please support!):




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Hey, I played your game and recorded my playthrough. I liked how your gameplay has to dynamically change as the water goes up. Depending on what the water level is, you have to use your weapon in a different way to get the best results. Super cool little game!


Woah! Thank you so much! I'm glad you like the game! I heard you mention a couple things you would have liked, and my best excuse is "I didn't have enough time."

Thank you again for playing my game, and I appreciate he recording!

To answer a couple questions:

- The flamethrower idea is so that, when you shoot, the bubble will evaporate instead of popping only the bubble and letting the water inside fall.

- When you shoot the flamethrower into the water, the water will very slowly decrease.

- The unreadable text says "smallishdev (YT)"

very nice idea. Love the sprite. The music. And the effect when we score up during the gameplay

Thank you! Do you want to rate this?


Thank you! Do you have a submission for the ScoreSpace Jam?

 Yeah    https://itch.io/jam/scorejam30/rate/2788423

Okay! Then, great! I've already rated your game. Just making sure!